
Mai 18, 2024


For the fifteenth time in a row Community Centre “Prosveta 1909" in Belozem, Municipality of Rakovski, the Council of Belozem, Primary School Geo Milev and Green Balkans NGOs will host the White Stork Festival.
The official opening is on 15th May (Saturday), 2021 at 10 am at the White Stork Park, Belozem, Municipality of Rakovski.

Mai 05, 2023

We invite you to the XVII White Stork Festival in the village of Belozem!

On May 13, the seventeenth White Stork Festival will be in Belozem.

The event will open at 10:00 a.m. in the White Stork Park in the village. The organizers are the People's Community Center "Prosveta 1909", Rakovski Municipality, Belozem Village Hall, Green Balkans and "Geo Milev" Primary School - Belozem Village, and the festival is held under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Demo web site

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